The Battery Station LLC
1769 S US Hwy 63 Ste 1, West Plains, MO 65775 USA (417) 257-7799
Store Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

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department police department fd pd Otter Cases Otterbox waterproof crushproof airtight protective cases super strong impact resistant cases Pelican protective equipment cases Otter protective equipment cases gun cases military cases military protective equipment cases heavy duty equipment case

Otter Cases


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$8.95 each  Add to Cart

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page after adding to cart.

Otterbox 1000

Water Resistant, crushproof and they float. Protect valuables from the elements. Great for water-tight storage of: Pager, Car Keys, Film & Batteries, Business / Credit Cards, small wallets and small cell phones


Internal: inches L 3.930 - W 2.375 - D 1.000
mm(L 84.15 - W 60.33 - D 25.40)

External: inches L 4.375 - W 2.875 - D 1.375
mm(L 111.13 - W 73.03 - D 34.93)


LED Flashlights  The most incredible flashlights!!!  No bulb to ever burn out again.


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